Alumni Association of IPSA is registered under The Public Trust Registration Act 1950 as Alumni Association of Indubhai Parekh School of Architecture (AAIPSA). Registering AAIPSA as a formal body was the first step towards working together and gain its benefits. Benefits of joining AAIPSA are towards providing Wider Professional Network, Online Job Listings, Access to the resources of the school and connecting back with classmates, faculties and the community at large.
To avail the membership in any 3 categories as Alumni, Student and Faculty of IPSA, fill in the attached forms. At this juncture, the committee is working towards collecting and updating the biographical data of all alumni. We request you to fill the Google form as early as possible. It is possible that we might not have everyone’s email address in our contact details and hence we request you to pass it on to all in your group.